Here income promotion is integrated with literacy. Literacy inspired for upgrading the status of life & living of deprived women. This innovative programme is in progress now in 4 villages and number of illiterates associated with this programme is 154. We initiated the programme with a practical training on Mushroom cultivation. Out of the above 154 learners 123 are now engaged in regular Mushroom cultivation. In all Centres all the above learners also received day-long training on Nutrition and Hygiene. Some other trainings were also imparted in different Centres. Total 82 learners have received different fruit plants. 10 learners have developed their Vermin compost beds and one of them has started marketing of her compost. This linkage has created a positive impact on their learning acquisition. Step by step we have received feedback through our observation. Our expected outcome has been fulfilled through the activities of the mothers on this programme-room cleaning, use of safe drinking water , hand washing, use of nutritious food etc. During June, 2017 & outstanding achievement was done by the performance of drama and cultural activities of the mothers.

Kolkata Empowerment Foundation

Location of Centre & Learners of Aae Barano Shakhorata

Kolkata Empowerment Foundation