Kolkata Empowerment Foundation (KEF) is a registered society formed by a group of distinguished Physicians, Senior Citizens, Filmmakers and Businessmen of Kolkata. Some of its members are actively engaged in community health, rural development and Education programmes for more than 30 years. KEFs mission is poverty reduction, empowerment, healthcare, education and life skill training of our rural population.

Strategic Objectives of the Society

  • Identify, energize and motivate good rural NGOs engaged for progress of the disadvantaged groups.
  • Develop linkages and partnership projects with these NGOs for empowerment of the weak and vulnerable.
  • Priority on projects on Education, Health, Nutrition, Environment, Income Generation and Mother and Child.
  • Create sustainable interventions which could be replicable and owned by the people at the end of its tenure.
  • Organize donor groups and mobilize commitments from the corporate world for supporting the above initiatives.
  • Generate active participation amongst all sections of the community specially educated elite.

Project Image